
Tuesday 23 August 2011

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds - a series - 1) Warsong Gulch

Problems, problems, always problems... I told you the problem I was having with my forum, well the problem was my host was an over seller and could not, nay would not, allow the php updating script to run for more than 30 seconds.

So I got myself another host and consequently my site was off air for 4-5 days, but unfortunately I'm still having problems. My website email address is not working presently and I'm having difficulties with the forum. So much so that I decided to start from scratch, but even that has not given me my forum back.

Stay posted for further developments !!

But there is good news, my latest article has been accepted by Ezine Articles. It is about the World of Warcraft battleground Warsong Gulch. It is great guide for newcomers to the battleground and will tell you how to win the battle. To read it just click on the link below...

Warsong Gulch Battleground Tactics

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