
Thursday 29 December 2011

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds

I find participating in them to be very, very frustrating.  It seems that all people want to do is fight in the middle of the battleground.  Now look people that is not the way to win and get good Honour Points (HP).  You win by using tactics and adapting to the game situation.

I find Alterac Valley to be the most frustrating, because people believe, despite the obvious flaw that it rarely works, that all you do is rush to the first boss and then on to the second after holding a few towers or bunkers and win.  The first point to make is that if the opposition do the same all it becomes is a race and there is no element of PvP.  It is a PvP encounter, if you don't like PvP then go on a PvE Raid and let those who do like PvP play compete.  The second point is if the opposition use tactics you will lose.  The most obvious counter is to defend the first Boss with around a dozen or so defenders.  That simple tactic wipes out the attacking force very easily and wins the game from there on in, because the aggressor is immediately pushed back.

I am in the process of writing a series on how to play the World of Warcraft battlegrounds.  The first two in the series can be found here:

Warsong Gulch

Alterac Valley

Have a good read and let me know what you think.

And remember that the New to World of Warcraft website is probably the best free World of Warcraft guide for new players available.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

I Don't Understand!

It seems that since I started pointing to my site's movement up in the search visibility stakes that it has suddenly disappeared.  I have used other browsers and other people's PCs to check out my site's visibility and I can now find no trace of it using the search phrase.  I am using Google in all cases so why this baffling result?

Just how can the site be visible one day and invisible the next?

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Well Now, Seems Google Have Read my Blog

Either that or I have changed my browser settings somehow, without realising it.  My Firefox browser now shows my keyword phrase showing up on page 3 instead of at rank 3 and 5 on page 1 :-(

Oh well, so my suspicion turned out right, which is a shame.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Hmm... New Player of World of Warcraft

I've tried googling on variations of my target phrase "best free world of warcraft guide" and I find that my site is on the first page in all cases.  But I am now wondering whether this is because Google are using my browser settings (cookies) to show the results I want?

The only way I can know for sure is if other people can also find me using Google search.  Of course if they are already using my site, then they too will not know whether Google is using their cookie settings.

The only way I can know for sure is from feedback from the web community who have never seen the site before.  Can anyone oblige please by leaving a comment.  Cheers!

Wednesday 14 December 2011


Well, so it seems.  My website is listed, twice, on the first page for the search term "best free world of warcraft guide" (minus the quotes of course).  Please try it for yourself and tell me what you see.

Update, just had a search for my site using this term and it has disappeared.  Cheers Google :-(

Tuesday 6 December 2011

New to World of Warcraft Facebook Page

I have recently discovered that I can create a Facebook page for my website and this will, apparently, lead to lots of people visiting both the Facebook page and the website.  This sounds too good to be true and I'm guessing that I have to publicise the Facebook page.

So it's a case of the chicken and the egg yet again.  Once upon a time getting Facebook friends was easy, nowadays though you dare not send out requests for fear of being banned for spam.  This is the case because I've received the warnings :-(

It was also not, in the not too dim and distant past, difficult to promote a website and get hits until Google set itself up as the nets bouncer (doorman) :-(

Oh well, lets see how it goes.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

It's All Up and Running!

Well it is for me, although I know that people who have looked at the site before may not see what I do, or might find that some of the links don't work.  If you are one of those then there is an easy fix.

Browsers use cached pages of a site you have already viewed.  The reason it does this is so you can load the page faster.  However, this does cause problems if there have been changes to the site and you might not be seeing a current site as it is.  This will be apparent if you have problems viewing it, or find that certain links do not work.  So what to do about it?

Go to Tools in the menu bar.  In Firefox click on Options and then the "Advanced" tab and then "Network", and then click on the Clear Now option.  In Internet Explorer click on "Delete Browsing History".  You will want to un-tick the first box if you have the site stored as a "Favorite".  Ater you have deleted the files selected go back and tick the first box so that you preserve details you may have saved on favorite sites.  Other browsers will have much the same process, but if you are not sure just google the process for your browser :-)

Wednesday 16 November 2011

New to World of Warcraft Learning Curve

Thought I'd set up a Word Press blog as the blog for my website, rather than use this one because of the WordPress SEO value.  Little did I know that it would not be a straight-forward process :-(

Is anything where computers and the internet is concerned?  It seems not.

I wonder what the benefits are of a WordPress blog over a Google Blogger? Comments from knowledgeable people are sought and welcomed.

Have you joined my forum yet?  No, then get along to the New to World of Warcraft Forum and see what you are missing out on.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

Mainly in redesigning my website New to World of Warcraft and adding to the site. I had added some free to play games and they worked fine, but for some reason they affected the sites links ^-^ !  The server boss didn't know what the problem was either.  But my search for some free games will continue. If you are experiencing any problems with my site try going to tools in your web browser and options, then clear your cache and cookie history.  All should then be fine :-)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds; a series: 2) Alterac Valley

This business seems a lot of hard work for little reward and all those ads and constant spam about making a fortune, let alone a living or a few spare bucks, is pure unadulterated bull****.  People, it seems, are good at taking but not at giving anything in return.  OK that's the negativity out of the way, for now ;-), now to tell you about my latest article about World of Warcraft battlegrounds, which can be found by clicking the link. It's a thorough tactical overview of Alterac Valley and should help anyone looking for advice on how to play it.  All you need to do now is convince your fellow battle mates to use it. Good luck ;-)

Friday 14 October 2011

Now the Site Promotion Starts in Ernest.

Just been over to a site called Fiverr where people are willing to do anything for you for $5 a shout ^-^! Well not quite anything, but I'm hoping I'm on the way to having a YouTube video up and running advertising my website New to World of Warcraft. Keep your eyes peeled and I'll let you know when it's been posted. You might, or might not, then decide to use Fiverr yourself :-)

Thursday 13 October 2011

WoW This is Hard Work!

Touching wood, fingers crossed and rabbits foot in hand (and I can still type?!) it seems as if I have now got the basics sorted and have a fully functional website and forum. I am now on to my third host server in as many weeks but Charlottezweb seem to be doing the biz for me :-) Modding forums, even when the mods are pre-written for you, is a hair pulling experience and not one I recommend to anyone with high blood pressure! Mine was OK before I started all of this, but I'm not too sure now ;-) Anyway pop over to my sites and tell me what you think of them.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

You May be Experiencing Problems!

In accessing my site and the forum, because I certainly am :-( And my server host DialANetwork are not responding to my enquiries. I suppose they could be suffering a DoS attack, but why no information on their site?!  Looks like I'll be transferring again. Does anybody know a good website hoster? :-)

Tuesday 20 September 2011

I had to laugh when reading my last blog as all that pales into insignificance in comparison to what happened afterwards. Courtesy of an automatic update from MS I lost the use of my Win XP PC : ( I tried all sorts to save my PC and information, but despite following MS advice I was unable to save the XP on the hard drive. Thankfully I was able to transfer most of my files to another hard drive, and as I keep my emails in the Cloud (learned my lesson from a previous disaster) all my important information was safe.

I then tried to reformat the PC in various ways without success and when the PC refused to boot from a Windows 7 64 bit CD (2 PC's you see) I was pulling my hair out. For the good of my health I took a break for 2 days and then inexplicably decided to see if Win 7 would, out of the goodness of its heart, now work. To my amazement and relief it did. This miracle saved me a considerable sum of money.

Before I could get back to work on my website and forum I had to spend the best part of a day downloading updates and replacement programs. Of course I was calm throughout and did not curse Microsoft once.

So then back to work I went, having lost over a week's productivity. I would like to say all has gone smoothly since but it would be a lie ; ) I won't go into a blow by blow account as time is short, suffice to say it is only now that I can say the forum is now prepared for action. The forum can be found HERE and, even if I do say so myself, is looking good. All I need now are a few members, who hopefully will access the forum from the website New to World of Warcraft, which is a free World of Warcraft guide for new players .

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds - a series - 1) Warsong Gulch

Problems, problems, always problems... I told you the problem I was having with my forum, well the problem was my host was an over seller and could not, nay would not, allow the php updating script to run for more than 30 seconds.

So I got myself another host and consequently my site was off air for 4-5 days, but unfortunately I'm still having problems. My website email address is not working presently and I'm having difficulties with the forum. So much so that I decided to start from scratch, but even that has not given me my forum back.

Stay posted for further developments !!

But there is good news, my latest article has been accepted by Ezine Articles. It is about the World of Warcraft battleground Warsong Gulch. It is great guide for newcomers to the battleground and will tell you how to win the battle. To read it just click on the link below...

Warsong Gulch Battleground Tactics

Friday 12 August 2011

Welcome to My Blog

The principal reason for this blog is to direct people to my website New to World of Warcraft and to keep members informed of new content.

The site is basically a comprehensive free World of Warcraft guide for new players. If you have been playing for years then the site will offer nothing for you. The site itself is I think big enough, so all new content will appear as articles on sites like ezine articles. This blog will point to those articles.

There's one posted at the moment, but I intend to write a few more, especially about battlegrounds. The one article up is...

World of Warcraft Explained - The Basics

There is a forum set up, although I have just attempted to upgrade it and it is offline until my host sorts it out. The forum is available from a link on the World of Warcraft Screen Interface Guide. When it's back up and running it will be well worth joining.