
Sunday 29 December 2013

I Got World of Warcraft for Christmas

Well no I didn't, but presumably you did and this is my invitation to you to look at what is probably the best guide for new World of Warcraft players... New to World of Warcraft

It is a very good guide for the WoW beginner or recent convert to the game. It starts off with the very basics and explains simply, but in depth, what you need to know to be able to play the game to a high level of competency. It explains many things that most guides tend to forget about.

It has the following World of Warcraft guides: gold, profession, levelling (or leveling if you are American), add-ons, and screen/user interface advice. You need to know all about these to be able to play the game efficiently. It tells you the fastest way to level up your WoW character.

Use my tips and I am sure you will have fun playing the game.