
Wednesday 13 March 2019

More than 50 tips on how to learn to play World of Warcraft.

If you want to learn to play WoW quickly and like a pro, then you need to have a read of this website:

Learn to Play World of Warcraft

It is a very comprehensive guide, which needs to be read in full before you start playing, to make sure you don't make mistakes that can be difficult to reverse. Taking time to read it will save you a great deal of time in due course!

Monday 11 March 2019

E-Book update

I decided to remove my E-books from Amazon because of the lack of sales. I had noticed that potential customers had the option, given to them by Amazon, to have my books for free! I have no idea what benefit I got from that relationship!

I have transferred the book about learning to play WoW to another Blogger website at but you can still purchase my PC protection and maintenance tips at Smashwords, see link below.