
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

It's All Up and Running!

Well it is for me, although I know that people who have looked at the site before may not see what I do, or might find that some of the links don't work.  If you are one of those then there is an easy fix.

Browsers use cached pages of a site you have already viewed.  The reason it does this is so you can load the page faster.  However, this does cause problems if there have been changes to the site and you might not be seeing a current site as it is.  This will be apparent if you have problems viewing it, or find that certain links do not work.  So what to do about it?

Go to Tools in the menu bar.  In Firefox click on Options and then the "Advanced" tab and then "Network", and then click on the Clear Now option.  In Internet Explorer click on "Delete Browsing History".  You will want to un-tick the first box if you have the site stored as a "Favorite".  Ater you have deleted the files selected go back and tick the first box so that you preserve details you may have saved on favorite sites.  Other browsers will have much the same process, but if you are not sure just google the process for your browser :-)

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

New to World of Warcraft Learning Curve

Thought I'd set up a Word Press blog as the blog for my website, rather than use this one because of the WordPress SEO value.  Little did I know that it would not be a straight-forward process :-(

Is anything where computers and the internet is concerned?  It seems not.

I wonder what the benefits are of a WordPress blog over a Google Blogger? Comments from knowledgeable people are sought and welcomed.

Have you joined my forum yet?  No, then get along to the New to World of Warcraft Forum and see what you are missing out on.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

Mainly in redesigning my website New to World of Warcraft and adding to the site. I had added some free to play games and they worked fine, but for some reason they affected the sites links ^-^ !  The server boss didn't know what the problem was either.  But my search for some free games will continue. If you are experiencing any problems with my site try going to tools in your web browser and options, then clear your cache and cookie history.  All should then be fine :-)